Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I never posted my last post. I liked what this book had to say, but not how he said he. All the weird repetition, like "back and forth, back and forth, back and forth". My head was "swimming, swimming, swimming", made it so dramatic. Anja says it was just the style back then. I think it is good to reflect on how we are made to think. Just yesterday, John was asking me about a tomboy's and wanted to know what you called boys that were girlish. I kinda didn't know what to say, so I just mumbled that it's ok for girls to be boyish but not for boys to be girlish and that I didn't know a name. Society and all it's pressures.

I'm glad I read this book, but I liked to Kill a Mockingbird better.

And I hate to say it, but I just haven't read Animal Farm. Eddie read it though! It wasn't his favorite. Sorry, I'm just tired and haven't felt like it. Nothing personal Shyla!

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