Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I am still in the process of forming my opinions about the characters in the story.

Atticus, I didn't like him at first, because his children called him by his first name, and I felt that was
because he must be overbearing and aloof. I now understand that they call him that because everybody calls him that, and I think I will really like him.

Jem, is a fraud. Fake bravery by touching the house. Different rules at school than at home.
Twisting his fathers words, and manipulating his little sister.

Scout, I can't get over the fact that her teacher said her being able to read and write was a
bad thing and she should stop doing it. I think she is older than her years, and I hope she will
not keep following the boys and sharing their trouble making, but I think the chances of that are slim.

Dill, I worry about that boy, I think he will go to far.

Capurinia, I think every family needs her to keep them thinking right.

Boo Radley , I am pretty sure he isn't stuffed up the chimney, I am scared, sorry and interested in him.
so I guess I am glad the kids will keep bugging him, so I can learn the truth of what his life is.

I like the way the people in the neighborhood and school let me feel the superstitions and prejudices of the
the time and place.

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