Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wow! This is intense!

I, too, smiled while reading the first four chapters. But it has become so intense. I don't remember what this is called, a parody, metaphor, allegory? In the beginning, I just enjoyed it. I particularly enjoyed the brief moments of humor, using pigeons to spread the news (I guess that isn't really that funny), Napoleon peeing on the plans for the windmill, the attitude and actions of the cat, the tune of "Beasts of England, "...something between Clementine and La Cucaracha." p. 9.

Boxer is my champion. He has a big heart. He is contributing all he has. The most clever, conniving and powerful acts of Napoleon is taking the puppies and training them to do his bidding. I finished reading Chapter 7. They are all trapped!

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