Sunday, March 9, 2008

Not her best work

First I must say that I did enjoy the book. I don't want my title to throw everyone off. However, I think that she wrapped it up rather quickly and I do not think it was a deep as some of her other books. Obviously Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility are written much better. But I do like how Catherine grows up in this story. I think reality can be pretty harsh and Catherine handled it rather well. At least she had enough sense NOT to go out in a huge strorm and get herself sick (like Maryanne in Sense and Senseibility). I knew that James and Isabella would not last. Poor James, he really liked her for reasons that none of us will know. And Isabella did not learn a darn thing. Trying to get Catherine to get her a James back together! The nerve!! Thank goodness Catherine realized the importance of cutting her off. So, I guess, in the end, Catherine did grow a brain after all! I am excited for the next book. Can it be "To Kill A Mockingbird" since I just bought it at a library book sale for fifty cents?


Tecia said...

Tegan- I've really enjoyed your posts this book. I guess winning Project Runway has done a little something to ya! And Shyla keeps using "maddeningly slow". I hope I can come up with a phrase worthy of such quoting from Shyla.

srf said...

You know Tegan I like how you brought up the Marianne thing. I do like that Catherine was at least kind of practical and not totally dramatic and pathetic. That makes me like her a little better. I am glad I read this book too. It helped me develop a fuller picture of Austen that I could have only gotten from reading this book.