Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tecia's post..oh yea, I had the flu too (cough, cough)

I like this book too. I couldn't agree with Tay more when she talks about Cather's writing and how every word is worth reading.

I thought the intro might have been a joke too because Cather says she hadn't kept in contact with Jim because she hated his wife!! She does say this and it even got me to underline it! She says that Jim's wife like to play patroness to people of "advanced ideas and mediocre ability".

I think seeing this all from Jim's perspective is interesting. He was young to be sure, but old enough to remember the things that really had an impact him. One thing I'm still waiting for is why he likes Antonia as much as he does? They haven't gotten into her that much. They talk but, I just haven't seen it yet.

Krajieck is a jerk. And I would kick him out and not depend on him. He would make me grumpy all day long and I know I could be happier with out him constantly around. I wish they would take a deep breath, move on and accept their circumstances for what they, make the best of it. And firstly by kicking out their "friend" who is no friend. At least they have Grandma to give them good stuff and Jim to entertain their girls.

Mrs. Shimerda doesn't even bug me. Her life sucks and I think she just needs some time to adjust, accept and move on. Hopefully she will, or her attitude will make her life long and hard.

I also like how affectionately he talks of the help at his farm. On the bottom of page 35, they are descibed as jovial and working hard. "always reading to work overtime and to meet emergencies." She says it was a matter of pride "not to spare themselves" and they did nothing but work hard. If only we could all be so lucky. This reminds me a bit of Eddie I guess and that is why I was drawn to it. What a great quality and example for Jim to have.

I approve so far of this book. I'm glad Steve is in the mix and I have enjoyed everybody's comments. I think as I read more and more books, I'm starting to understand a little bit all the crap Shyla can write about for pages on end. Not that I'm any where near being a critic of anything, but I am starting to pick up on, 'that was a well written part', 'I liked that phrase' and have found myself actually marking stuff like Mom does with sticky notes. No notes in the margins yet, but maybe soon.

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